Monday, November 01, 2004

Life Building Story

These thoughts are from our dear friend Kim:

It’s hard to put into words all of the ways the one-on-one discipleship time with Vic and Mo has enriched and grown me in the Lord and continues to do so every day. God has knitted our hearts so wonderfully together with His in this fellowship time of exploring, learning, sharing and establishing the truth of His word in our lives. Sharing our personal lives with each other is such a blessing and inspires me to be more real and open with others. The basics of the lesson on ‘Security’ firmed up my foundation and has given me not only confidence but a desire to reach out to others in His love. The study we are going through is great for new seekers, new believers andmost certainly for those of us who have known the Lord for some time, but have not had this great of understanding of His word, His love and His grace for each one of us. If I don’t understand or receive it, how can I effectively share with others? It has certainly given a new meaning to ‘Standing on His word’. No more sitting for me!

Monique and I feel the same way as we receive so much from the people we are blessed to connect with through the discipleship process. To God be the glory!

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