Saturday, July 29, 2006

Faith and Habanero Sauce

Tonight was one of those throw together dinners nights at the Woodward's house. One group of girls were making an old favorite, Kraft's Mac n' Cheese dinner. Monique was mixing one of her quick meal specials; tuna fish, chopped apple, peanut butter and mayo, in a combined concoction. For me, it was pinto bean burritos with a sprinkle of habanero sauce, parmesan cheese, sour cream and salsa.

What a smorgasboard of meal choices devoured by everyone! My choice of the habanero spiced burrito had to be the most moving dinner plan. Right? Speaking of moving, as I was reflecting on how my tastebuds were being affected by the tingling chili, I thought of FAITH. As my mouth was moved to action after receiving the habanero chile in my pallet, yahoo!!, water, water, water, anything please; a link came into my brain to the thought that my FAITH should produce action. The apostle James says;

Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? James 2:14

In this case, my faith (a faith born out of a love for Him, for all that He has given for me) in Jesus Christ should compel me to share His love (serve others). It is in this serving that action is seen, all for the glory of God.

It is simple really and yet so difficult, because my selfish nature is very often in conflict with the Spirit that lives in me by FAITH. Praise Jesus for the conflict and praise Him for habanero sauce which calls my mouth and me to action.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Freedom thoughts

FREEDOM, There is more to it I think.