Friday, November 10, 2006

San Juan Winds

Right now the wind is intense here in the San Juans, our first blast of the year. Fortunately it is blowing in from the south, not as cold as a northeaster. Still, wind is an interesting work of God.

As I took the dog out for a potty stop this morning, she needed to go desperately, the wind distracted her from emptying her bladder, even though it was at maximum capacity. Wow! It took her a few minutes to realize she really had to go.

So...I got thinking about wind its effect on Stitch our dog, and on us humans.

The wind today represented life distractions that come our way regularly. The winds of life throw me a barrage of curve balls everyday which distract me from focusing on the love of my Savior Jesus, and the things He has for me to do or be in the day. Sometimes those distractions are orchestrated by Satan, sometimes they are just my stuff. Are you tracking me? Do you ever feel that way?

The "tyranny of the urgent" blows fiercely over my mind distracting me from priorities; loving God, investing myself in others, giving of my time and talents, serving sacrificially and quieting my heart to hear God speak to me.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

The refuge our dog Stitch found from the wind was the shelter of our home. As soon as we stepped inside, she began to calm down. She was able to focus to my commands, to listen. I think God wants to be my refuge from the winds of life. He wants me to lie down in the green pastures He provides for me, to seek the shelter He provides in solitude.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Guaranteed, there will be more winds coming here in the San Juans and in our lives. Where will you find shelter and refuge?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Testimonies from Love and Respect

The Love and Respect Conference held on Oct. 13th and 14th was an encouragement to all who
attended. Here are some stories from the conference:

Dear Vic,

This was an excellent conference. We came away energized and happy, not depressed by how much work we had to do on our marriage or how inadequate we were. My husband said it was the first time at such a conference that he did not come away feeling overwhelmed and a failure.

Emerson Eggerich is such an brilliant speaker; expressive, true, and down to earth. I don't see how his message would not benefit basically anyone in understanding the dynamics of men and women. His humor was heart warming and his life experiences and stories made it real and believable. We both thought we need that kind of person to be an ambassador in the White House!

Thanks Vic and Mo for bringing "Love and Respect" to Friday Harbor.

The Love and Respect Marriage conference really helped us to see how easy it is for each of us to misread our spouse's intentions, which caused irritation, and then less love and respect for one another.

We are now better able to recognize the trap we so easily fall into, and get ourselves out of the crazy cycle before it gets too crazy. Knowing and then recognizing that my spouse's words or actions have a completely different meaning or intent than I put on them makes it easier to forgive and leads to more understanding in our relationship.

We "stepped on each other's hoses" this morning, but were quickly able to recognize what was happening, step off, and enjoy our day together. The weekend was full of laughs and learning! We bought the DVD's so we could share them with family and friends.The Love and Respect Marriage conference really helped us to see how easy it is for each of us to misread our spouse's intentions, which caused irritation, and then less love and respect for one another.

We are now better able to recognize the trap we so easily fall into, and get ourselves out of the crazy cycle before it gets too crazy. Knowing and then recognizing that my spouse's words or actions have a completely different meaning or intent than I put on them makes it easier to forgive and leads to more understanding in our relationship.

We "stepped on each other's hoses" this morning, but were quickly able to recognize what was happening, step off, and enjoy our day together. The weekend was full of laughs and learning! We bought the DVD's so we could share them with family and friends.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Not Too Late

It is not too late to sign up for the Love and Respect Marriage Conference on Oct. 13 and 14 at the Friday Harbor Inn. Here is what one wife is saying:

"My husband has always been a very quiet man - not one for displays of emotion. We are as different as any two people could be in that area. But, I see something so different in him as a result of this conference. He is as enthusiastic and excited as I have ever seen him."

Come join us and find out what your spouse will be saying after the conference. Call (360) 378-8435 to register today!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Childcare for Love and Respect Conference

A QUICK UPDATE - We are pleased to announce that childcare will be provided for the Saturday conference sessions. This service will be provided for children ages 2 and up.

Please register your child by calling (360) 378-8435. Children can be dropped off at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday. Registration forms will also be available at the church in the morning.

Please provide and snack and sack lunch for your child.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Love and Respect Story

“I am sad that I have been married twenty-two years and just now understand the Respect message. I wrote my husband two letters about why I respected him. I am amazed at how it has softened him in his response to me. I have prayed for years that my husband would love me and speak my love language. But when I began to speak his language, he responded with what I wanted.”

Friday, September 01, 2006

Love and Respect Marriage Conference

Monique and I are very excited about the upcoming Love and Respect marriage conference coming to the islands this fall.

We (InFocus Family Ministries- The Woodwards) are hosting a Love and Respect marriage conference here on San Juan Island. The dates are Fri. Oct. 13th - 6-9 p.m. and Sat. Oct. 14th - 9 a.m - 4 p.m. @ Friday Harbor Inn.

The rooms at the FH Inn are discounted for conference attendees - $76 per night. Call - (360) 378-4000 for room reservations. We will also try to come up with some homes for folks to stay in if possible.

The cost of the conference, which includes workbook, continental breakfast and lunch is $70 per couple.

This will be a DVD driven conference. I have the DVD's for the conference style presentation.
I'm praying that we will have the room packed with couples from all the islands and your community. This material/teaching is powerful. Focus on the Family is sponsoring these conferences all across the U.S.A.

Register Today! - call (360) 378-8435

Monday, August 21, 2006

Trust and the County Fair

Last week marked the 100th annual San Juan County Fair. I think for many people in Friday Harbor it is one of the highlights of the summer. I always enjoy meeting people at the fair, reconnecting and sharing in the joy of being there amongst all the excitement.

I really think you can taste the flavor of any region of the country by going to a County Fair. The flavor I tasted here is one of community, creativity, stewardship, and fun! At the 4H exhibits of animals and projects, I got the sense of responsibility being nutured in young people by caring adults. Hmmm! So many good flavors to taste this past week; I wish I could include them all.

In watching the carnival rides and the men working to fix them I sensed a need to TRUST. Honestly, some of those rides looked like they could come apart with a few good shakes, spins,
twists and turns. Whoa! Yet, children and parents trusted in the rusty machines, loose bolts and all, to give the thrill ride anticipated and return everyone to a safe stop. Whoa! Now that is TRUST!

How is it that we can TRUST old carnival machines with aging hydrolics and rusty nuts and bolts with our lives, not to mention our childrens lives, and not TRUST God with our lives? This is a mystery to me. Why can't we TRUST the Creator of the universe with our day to day lives? What is it about me, about us? Could it be true that our natural bent is rebellion towards God? The more I see the more I know that this is true. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Camping in the Creation

In early August the Woodward family found rest, peace and comfort in the Lord's creation and amongst fellowship with our family. We were blessed to be able to retreat, unplug our lives from computers and cell phones. I recommend this for everyone once or twice a year.

Actually, this is recommended by God more often than just once or twice per year. He wants us to do it weekly. Set aside a day, the Sabbath; to rest in Him, honor Him, reflect on His graciousness, give thanks and truly let Him have our burdens. He says this with authority and command in the book of Exodus.

Exodus 20:8-11

"Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days a week are set apart for your daily duties and regular work, but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household may do any kind of work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you. For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; then he rested on the seventh day. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.

As I look around me I don't see much observance of this commandment, one of the ten commandments by the way. I too get caught up in the wave of busyness that seems to swell over my head at times. We have the created order of life all backwards.

If you notice from the Genesis record of God's creating; he was hard at work for six days and on the sixth day he created man and woman. Right after this work He rested, the seventh day. So... man and woman's first day in existence after being created was a day of rest.

It was from this full day of rest that they moved on to the work God had for them in the garden of Eden. The order then is from REST we WORK. Most of what I see in my life pattern and the pattern of others is WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, and then maybe rest if there is time or if we have justified rest by doing enough work.

This pattern or order was not in God's created plan. Whoa! He created us to WORK from REST. What do you need to do to make life adjustments in your weekly schedule to line up with God's plan for your life?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Faith and Habanero Sauce

Tonight was one of those throw together dinners nights at the Woodward's house. One group of girls were making an old favorite, Kraft's Mac n' Cheese dinner. Monique was mixing one of her quick meal specials; tuna fish, chopped apple, peanut butter and mayo, in a combined concoction. For me, it was pinto bean burritos with a sprinkle of habanero sauce, parmesan cheese, sour cream and salsa.

What a smorgasboard of meal choices devoured by everyone! My choice of the habanero spiced burrito had to be the most moving dinner plan. Right? Speaking of moving, as I was reflecting on how my tastebuds were being affected by the tingling chili, I thought of FAITH. As my mouth was moved to action after receiving the habanero chile in my pallet, yahoo!!, water, water, water, anything please; a link came into my brain to the thought that my FAITH should produce action. The apostle James says;

Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? James 2:14

In this case, my faith (a faith born out of a love for Him, for all that He has given for me) in Jesus Christ should compel me to share His love (serve others). It is in this serving that action is seen, all for the glory of God.

It is simple really and yet so difficult, because my selfish nature is very often in conflict with the Spirit that lives in me by FAITH. Praise Jesus for the conflict and praise Him for habanero sauce which calls my mouth and me to action.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Freedom thoughts

FREEDOM, There is more to it I think.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Freedom from what?

I have been thinking about freedom lately. Maybe I'm being prompted by the fact that the 4th of July has come and gone. The celebration marks our country's independence (freedom) doesn't it?

Are you feeling free right now? Am I feeling free? I'm not talking about freedom in the patriotic/politcal sense. I'm talking about a "life sense". Are you experiencing freedom? Am I? Or do you feel bound by someone or something, a general feeling of heaviness in your heart?

The apostle Paul talks about freedom in Christ in his letter to the followers in Galatia.

Galatians 5:1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. The Message

He refers to slavery. Most of us when we think about slavery would agree that all men should be free from that oppression. Do many of us, when we think of the slavery, connect it to the bondage that comes from negative memories of life experiences?

Where can we find freedom from our past? How can we gain understanding, seek forgiveness and release our pain so that it doesn't create bitterness and resentment?

I submit to you that we can only do that with a person who will walk this road with us. Someone who knows us intimately and has gone before us, experiencing all of our pain and hurt for himself. That person is Jesus Christ. He lives in people and can minister His love through people. These people are trusted friends, who are living in His grace and forgiveness.

They are all around you. Seek them out. Risk and be vulnerable. Ask; they will be found. Healing is right around the corner, and with healing comes freedom.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Blackberry vines and the True Vine

Right now in the Pacific Northwest it is prime time for plant growth. The periodic showers coupled with the warmer longer days make for a "green explosion" all over the place. It is really amazing! The different shades of green are intense. What an amazing niche our great and glorious Creator has given us with the northwest.

My personal obeservations of this green growth is centering on the blackberry vines in my backyard. They are currently encroaching on our house. Whoa! Interspersed amongst the blackberry vines are nettles, nasty tall weeds which make berry picking later in the summer hazardous.

I want to talk about the blackberries for now. As I've watched the new shoots take off; I've noticed that they are attached to a main vine. From that vine they get nourishment to expand their territory and boy that is happening rapidly right now.

The story God is playing out in my life and the life of some of my dear friends reminds me of this new growth blackberry vine. Jesus uses this vine analogy in talking about true growth, John 15:5-12 Jesus talks of himself being our vine.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

For me I know that I must remain in the true vine that is Jesus. I suggest you try abiding in Him if you haven't done so up to this point in your life. He will lift you up and carry you.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Graceful Girls

Last month I had the blessing of attending a Valentines Dance with my girls, Ellie and Carly. Wow! We had a blast! I ended up dancing almost every dance taking turns with my daughters. Whew! The music took me down memory lane, old tunes from the 60's and 70's. The evening went by so fast, I couldn't believe it. The girls were both surprised too when the call for last dance came at the end of the evening.

Truth be known, I was a little reluctant to go to the dance. I figured that I would be one of the few dads in attendance. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go for it. What a blessing! The dance was sold out and everyone had a great time. I have found that when I take a risk, step out of my comfort zone, even in little ways like Valentine Dances, the Lord blesses me and teaches me to trust, listen to His heart for people and be more willing to GO............

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.

I'm finding that Jesus' heart is for people, building relationships with people and this begins with my wife and children. Thank you Lord for this opportunity to grow closer to my girls.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thoughts Prompted by My Mother

Thoughts Prompted by My Mother…

Although I have shared some of this with my mother, she has not heard it in its entirety. So, here ya go Mom. You will be reading most of this for the first time. I dedicate this to you! I want to thank you for being such a special part of my life.
A couple of months ago, my mother made a comment to me that I believe God used to lead me down a path of reflection and self-examination. She said, “That’s what I love about you, you’ve always felt so comfortable in your own skin.” If you are in question as to what she meant, let me translate. “You’ve always felt comfortable just being yourself.” Hmmm….I thought to myself, is that what she sees in me? She gave me that, “I’m-so-proud-of- my-daughter-look” and hugged me. Silently, I questioned myself. Am I? And the dialogue in my head went something like this, “Well, I guess I feel comfortable being myself quite a bit of the time,” but in all honesty, I knew there were many times I did not. Why? I began to wrestle with this question almost daily. It was a nagging to my soul. God had my attention, but it was not quite time to “go there.” Christmas was approaching and following the holidays we would be celebrating Damon and Lindsey’s wedding with family and friends.
On our arrival home, it was as if God opened a door and said, “come and sit with me”…and that is what I did. Well, it wasn’t always sitting per se. Sometimes, my solitude with Jesus came while I was painting the new bright colors on Ellie and Carly’s bedroom walls…or while Vic and I sat on the couch having “heart to hearts”…or while I was reading my Bible and praying…or while I was unpacking and cleaning. In all these moments I experienced God. I experienced solitude. Little did I know that the Author of my faith was writing a paragraph in my story that would change my life. The best way to describe this healing is like this: it has been like sitting under the warm afternoon sun on a beautiful and colorful spring day. In fact, that is what I did this todayJ. It is well with my soul. Even as I write, I take a deep breath, a sigh of relief, and I am filled with gratitude to the One who created me.
In these times of solitude, God revealed to me that all too often I have entrusted my heart to people before entrusting it to God. This is something He brought to my attention 3 ½ years ago when we first come on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. Prior to that I thought I “had been there done that” and that I had let go of “people pleasing” and, that the fears relating to this had all dissipated. God in His infinite wisdom, created an opportunity for Vic and I to grow in ways only He knew we needed.
The last few years have been filled with the beauty of new and deepened relationships, new adventures, new schedules, new challenges and constant reminders of God’s faithfulness. You, as readers, might think that in all this, I would respond with a hearty “Amen”, telling you all how much I have grown in my trust of our heavenly Father, or how much I have trusted Him through and through. The truth is, I have not. I have experienced more fear since coming on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ than almost any other time in my life (with the exception of those junior high years). I wonder, asking myself this question, “How often have my choices/decisions and countenance been motivated by people pleasing, obligation, shoulds, fear , God pleasing and the like, as opposed to being motivated by a reckless abandon to be in love with Jesus in all I say or do? There is a difference between the two. If I live my life in such a way as the first part of the previous sentence, I can make a lot of “good choices” and “do good things”, but in the end, I have experienced quite a bit of fruitlessness and emptiness in such living. It is not that all my life with Christ has been this way, but if I’m truly honest with myself quite a bit. Furthermore, following this path robs me, and others around me, of the joy of truly experiencing God. It is like living in “quality control” rather than just letting God be the Controller.
All my life I have wanted to do things well and I was raised with a good work ethic. There is obviously nothing wrong with that. It is God’s desire we give our all to the responsibilities given us and to live with integrity. However, in having a bent towards people pleasing etc, when I became a follower of Christ in college, I wanted to “do it all right” and live the “good Christian life”, and reach the Christian benchmarks of maturity (whatever that means) so-to-speak.. In my skewed views of God, and even the Christian faith, this left little room for failure or a spirit of adventure, just like every other time in my life, and I figured that I must maintain my good standing with God “or else”. So even in this walk with Jesus, one I came into by faith, I began “working my way into good standing” or “desired to stay in good standing” with God on a regular basis.
In the last couple of years, God has been showing me much in His word. One is this…my behavior good or bad, will never satisfy God. It is the blood of Christ and that alone that satisfies God. His love for me is not based on what I “do”. If that were the case, then it would infer that He loved me less when I first became a Christian, because of course I had not yet “done” anything in the name of Jesus…and that now He loves me more because I’ve had 16 years on my Christian resume.
In His word, God has been refreshing my heart with the following truths….that God delights in me and I am precious and holy in His sight Ephesians 1:4. I am a friend of Jesus, John 15:15. I have been accepted by Christ Romans 15:7. I have been called a saint 1Cor 1:2, Eph 1”1, Phil 1:1, Col 1:2. I have been set free in Christ Gal 5:1. I am a new Creature in Christ 2 Cor 5:17. I have become the righteousness of God in Christ 2 Corinth. 5:21. I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139. I am His workmanship Eph 2:10 and I am being conformed to His image Romans 8:29. I have future and a hope Jer 29:11 I have been given a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline not a spirit of timidity 2Tim1:7….and on and on I could go in the scriptures He is illuminating in my heart. As I have come to know God more intimately and believe what He says about me, freedom in my heart swells up like a river and it seems as though trusting my Creator has taken on a new meaning than what it did two or three years ago. Out of love for God, not fear, people pleasing, obligation, or trying to maintain good standing with God, I long to serve, encourage, comfort, build up, forgive, and love all others unconditionally in a whole new way.
I have decided to take a “break” from Christian talk radio and reading any books that advocate “this” or “that” way of parenting, how to educate ones child and yes, even on the subject of marriage. This is not because I do not believe God uses people through radio and books. He does. He has used them in my life and will again in the future I am sure. It is a decision based upon what God has revealed to me in my own life…a weakness and propensity to many times think other people are more godly or spiritual…to entrust my heart more to people than to first trust God…rather than really believing God loves me as much as He says He does, and trust that He will actually speak to me… having a reckless abandon…passion and trust, knowing Him more personally, listening to His voice and the voice of my husband. Wow, that was a run-on sentence, please bear with meJ!
What is happening is that God is bringing me to a place of freedom I have not yet fully known. Isn’t that why Christ came? Gal 5:1. For the first time, in a very, very, very long time, I think I am comfortable in “my own skin” as my mom would say. The new skin God has given me…the way God has created me…and I like how God has made me. I guess if He says all those things in the Word about me, and all His children, then it really is true…and not to believe it would be rejecting His truth and believing my own…which is what I have done all too often in my life. Rather, my passion is to be recklessly abandoned to Him and the truth of His Word…and to be in love with Him…He who redeemed my life.
Lately, I’ve been praying the prayer the apostle Paul prayed for the Philippians 1:9-11: “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” I pray this for Vic as he leads two Bible studies each week, meets with several men one-on-one going through God’s word, for our times of study with other couples and when he counsels people in crisis. I also pray this for myself as I too meet with a few women each week. In praying this, I am trusting a good God in heaven to lead me/us into a deeper relationship with Him, One whose love is unparalleled and permeates the entire fabric of our lives.



Friday, February 03, 2006

Experiencing Grace

This commentary is a work in progress so you will have to check back periodically to hear what the Lord is showing us about His grace. My awesome wife Monique will be sharing from time to time too, as God is doing some profound healing in her heart as she is discovering His grace. I know this is a realm He wants all people to experience. My fear is that many folks are living in something other than the grace of Jesus Christ, and thus are experiencing bondage in some form or another. This fact leads me to prayer.

What is grace? Webster's dictionary provides several definitions, here a couple; 1. disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency 2. a special favor

I've also heard the words, unmerited favor given to us by God through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary for my sins.

By faith I can choose to receive the gift of grace and experience love, forgiveness and acceptance.

Ephesians 2: 8-9 -> God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

Our blog entries in the coming weeks will express how we are experiencing God's grace and living in a realm that is available to everyone. Please feel free to post your comments.

Wedding Wows!

On January 7th, 2006 the Woodward family received a great blessing. We experienced a joyous celebration of love, commitment and unity. The event was the marriage of Damon Woodward to Lindsey Monnahan, our new daughter-in-law. Here it is one month later and we are all still bathing in the beauty of that day.

Join us in giving thanks to our great God and pray for this new couple.