Friday, June 30, 2006

Freedom from what?

I have been thinking about freedom lately. Maybe I'm being prompted by the fact that the 4th of July has come and gone. The celebration marks our country's independence (freedom) doesn't it?

Are you feeling free right now? Am I feeling free? I'm not talking about freedom in the patriotic/politcal sense. I'm talking about a "life sense". Are you experiencing freedom? Am I? Or do you feel bound by someone or something, a general feeling of heaviness in your heart?

The apostle Paul talks about freedom in Christ in his letter to the followers in Galatia.

Galatians 5:1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. The Message

He refers to slavery. Most of us when we think about slavery would agree that all men should be free from that oppression. Do many of us, when we think of the slavery, connect it to the bondage that comes from negative memories of life experiences?

Where can we find freedom from our past? How can we gain understanding, seek forgiveness and release our pain so that it doesn't create bitterness and resentment?

I submit to you that we can only do that with a person who will walk this road with us. Someone who knows us intimately and has gone before us, experiencing all of our pain and hurt for himself. That person is Jesus Christ. He lives in people and can minister His love through people. These people are trusted friends, who are living in His grace and forgiveness.

They are all around you. Seek them out. Risk and be vulnerable. Ask; they will be found. Healing is right around the corner, and with healing comes freedom.

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